Marwan's Bounty could go to 2 MILF members

MILF rebels
Image source: Google
This news really made me laugh. The 6-million US dollar bounty of Marwan's death goes to the 2 MILF (Moro-Islamic Liberation Front) so-called whistleblowers?

What about the families of the Fallen 44 who did all the hard work? This news, aside from being funny is fishy at the same time. There's a conspiracy involved in here, are the rebels playing the Filipino people with their hands?

There is rumor that the raid on Marwan's territory was all because of the multimillion bounty. If this is true, this could link up to why the MILF should get the bounty. What would they do with the all the money?

1. It would be either that the 2 MILFs will live in a luxury 
2. It will fund the uprising of the rebels.
3. There is a higher rank in the government behind this and wants to get the profit of money and control over the rebels

As long as the investigation goes on, the truth shall prevail. But in our system, we can't be sure if the truth is just a cloaked lie. If this is just all about the bounty, better give it to the families of the Fallen 44 PNP-SAF.

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